Saint Louis Psalter

The New Ressourcement

is a quarterly journal of theology and philosophy published by Word on Fire Academic. It serves the Church and the academy by publishing scholarly articles that demonstrate the depth and relevance of the entirety of the Catholic tradition.

This journal aims to sentire cum tota ecclesia, to think with the whole Church as it has ever reflected on the mystery of the Incarnate Christ, as seen in sources that are biblical, patristic, medieval, as well as modern. The journal draws inspiration from, and seeks to continue the work of, previous generations of ressourcement theologians. It shares with them a conviction that the renewal of theology and philosophy occurs by returning to sources that remain inexhaustible. This ressourcement is “new” because we trust that this patrimony is fertile enough to encounter contemporary questions confidently and to illuminate the challenges and opportunities that shape the present age.

Bishop Barron explains how The New Ressourcement serves the spiritual life of the Church in a time of crisis.

Latest Issue

Winter 2024

Winter 2024 Table of Contents


Thomas Pfau

“Une Parole Totalement Intelligible”: Paul Claudel’s Cosmic Poetics

John L. Nepil

Charles Journet's “Toute l'Église Est Mariale”: The Marian Ecclesiology of a Ressourcement Thomist

Book Symposium: Christ, The Logos of Creation: An Essay in Analogical Metaphysics by John Betz

Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt

Jamesian Notes Toward a More Catholic Theology

William Desmond

Analogy, Agape, and Metaxological Metaphysics: Thoughts on John Betz’s Christ, the Logos of Creation

Stephen M. Fields, SJ

Faith, Doctrine, and Experience in Analogical Metaphysics

Aaron Pidel, SJ

Is Our Church Analogically Balanced?

John Betz

Response to Reviewers of Christ, the Logos of Creation

Review Essays

Matthew Levering

A Recent Exemplar of Thomistic Metaphysics: Rudi Te Velde’s Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendence

Book Reviews

Daniel Waldow

Serge-Thomas Bonino, OP, Reading the Song of Songs with St. Thomas Aquinas

Peter C. Bouteneff

Marcus Plested, Wisdom in Christian Tradition: The Patristic Roots of Modern Russian Sophiology

Aaron Pidel, SJ

Ulrich Lehner, Inszenierte Keuschheit. Sexualdelikte in der Gesellschaft Jesu im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert

Veronica Ogle

David C. Schindler, God and the City: An Essay on Political Metaphysics

Cathal Doherty, SJ

Jonathan Ciraulo, The Eucharistic Form of God: Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Sacramental Theology

D. Hayden Hagerman

John L. Nepil, A Bride Adorned: Mary-Church Perichoresis in Modern Catholic Theology

Editors & Advisors


Robert Barron

Bishop of Winona-Rochester

Senior Editor

Matthew Levering

Mundelein Seminary


Jonathan Ciraulo

The Catholic University of America

Aaron Pidel, SJ

Pontifical Gregorian University

Managing Editors

Jason C. Paone

Word on Fire Academic

David Augustine

Word on Fire Academic

Associate Editors

Lewis Ayres

Durham University

Michael Barber

Augustine Institute

Peter Casarella

Duke University Divinity School

Nathan Eubank

University of Notre Dame

Angela Franks

St. John’s Seminary

Caitlin Smith Gilson

St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary

Jennifer Newsome Martin

University of Notre Dame

Michael Magree, SJ

Boston College

William Mattison III

University of Notre Dame

Vincent Strand, SJ

The Catholic University of America

Board of Advisors

Khaled Anatolios

University of Notre Dame

Melanie Barrett

Mundelein Seminary

John Betz

University of Notre Dame

John Cavadini

University of Notre Dame

Thomas Clemmons

The Catholic University of America

Cathal Doherty, SJ

Marquette University

Brian Dunkle, SJ

Boston College

Emmanuel Falque

Institut Catholique de Paris

Stephen Fields, SJ

Georgetown University

Anthony Giambrone, OP

École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem

Jennie Grillo

University of Notre Dame

Andrew Kim

Marquette University

Keith Lemna

Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Anthony Lusvardi, SJ

Pontifical Georgian University

Reginald Lynch, OP

Dominican House of Studies

Margaret McCarthy

John Paul II Institute

Ross McCullough

George Fox University

Francesca Aran Murphy

University of Notre Dame

Cyril O’Regan

University of Notre Dame

Jared Ortiz

Hope College

Aaron Riches

Benedictine College

Joseph Riordan, SJ

Regis College, University of Toronto

Tracey Rowland

University of Notre Dame Australia

Daria Spezzano

Providence College

Margaret Turek

St. Patrick’s Seminary

William Wright IV

Duquesne University


Start your Subscription

The New Ressourcement is an academic print journal issued quarterly each Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. You will be billed annually and will receive four print issues per year. Your first issue will be the next issue, Spring 2025, and will ship late March 2025.

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